Talent Development:
Get Insight & Data on Today’s Priorities
This infographic summarizes input gleaned from 100+ CHROs and talent development leaders. Get their views on online learning, coaching, DEI, leadership development, and more! View the infographic and download the full report today.
About the Talent Development Studies
Data in this infographic was generated from IMPACT Group’s three latest talent development studies. More than 100+ HR and talent leaders share their insights in every study – keeping you informed of trends and benchmarks to maximize your programs. Participants represent more than a dozen industries and sectors.
Why is talent development important?
Various studies suggest that talent development promotes retention because people value the opportunity to learn and grow. And in today’s tight talent market, retaining the best talent is a business imperative.
New data shows another link between retention and mobility. A recent LinkedIn study reveals that employees who move within their company – either to a new lateral position or a promotion – are more likely to stay. And successful mobility is often tied to talent development because new skills are often needed to succeed in new roles. LinkedIn’s Global Talent Trend Report found that after two years, 75% of those who made an internal moved stayed with the employer vs just 56% who did not make any move.
From talent development benchmarks to executive must-haves, the studies provide key insights from HR and talent leaders into:
- Corporate learning trends & participation rates.
- Key skills that are a must-have to advance executives.
- HR perspectives on what is needed when developing leadership.
Download the studies today to discover more trends.
Years / Average
Coach Experience
Annual Coaching Hours
Our programs focus on change, resilience, metrics, and diversity.
IMPACT Group is a WBE-certified global leader in leadership & development. We offer corporate training and leadership development for employees at all levels in their careers.
Coaching is the secret to our success. Corporate clients commonly remark that they wouldn’t be as successful at talent development without a coaching program. Content-based platforms can build knowledge without affecting behavior. Coaches coax individuals into action. With coaching, a deeper understanding becomes the impetus for better technique and stronger performance.
We offer programs that can be adapted for virtual delivery:
Women in Leadership – whose participants include female leaders as well as the men and women who manage them.
Executive Coaching – to enhance the effectiveness of key executives.
High IMPACT Coaching™ – a program that pairs leaders with expert coaches to build confidence and focus leaders’ attention on the most critical and urgent priorities.
High IMPACT Start – enables new leaders to take a strategic approach to their first 100 days.
High IMPACT Teams™ – a team development program that builds positive team culture, psychological safety, and trust to maximize team performance.
High IMPACT Leadership – for high-potential leaders at all levels.
Multicultural Team EQ – a program designed to enhance collaboration and communication in global teams.
Wraparound Coaching – to boost the effectiveness of your existing, content-rich leadership programs.

100+ HR & Talent Leaders Weigh in on 5 Leadership Program Types.
See the Results.
Your global partner for talent on the move.