Juanita Ingram – Rewriting Your Story
Juanita Ingram is a corporate attorney turned film producer who has accompanied her husband during multiple relocations around the world.
In this episode Lauren and Juanita discuss:
– Transitioning to life as an accompanying spouse
– The international family experience, its associated struggles, and suggestions on how to make it a successful experience
and overcoming the grief that comes with a relocation and change of identity
– The unique experience of being a black expatriate in a global setting
– The challenges and rewards of a dual career relationship
Key takeaways:
– Look at international assignments as an opportunity and not a burden; take the time to discover or rediscover new things about yourself.
– Before making the transition, leverage relocation companies and support that you can receive. Also, sit down and ask yourself what the move means for you – Where do you see yourself in the country and in the move? What kinds of things have you been wanting to do but haven’t been able to?
– Give yourself permission to mourn the trajectory you thought your life was on; get a life coach, counselor, or someone that will help you manage the transition and see new opportunities.
– A vision board can help you have a visual manifestation of a goal while offering inspiration and guidance.
– International assignments can challenge dual career relationships, but also make them stronger – make sure to discuss what each spouse’s role will be during the assignment.
“Being abroad allowed me to expand the horizon and the scope of what I could do as an attorney. It allowed me to take a moment to discover other talents or really to reinvest in talents that I already had that I was just too busy to invest in because I was too busy adulting.” – Juanita Ingram (3:15)
“As expats or accompanying talent… we have the beautiful opportunity to really thrive and flourish and discover or rediscover new things about ourselves that we may have put a pin in for another time.” – Juanita Ingram (4:11)
“Anytime life gives you the opportunity to pause – whether it’s an international move and a career shift, or a pandemic, whatever the case may be – It gives you the opportunity to really take stock and take inventory.” – Juanita Ingram (7:32)
“Give yourself permission to mourn the trajectory that you thought you were on, and it’s ok. So often, we think we have to smile and act as though we didn’t want what we gave up. It’s ok and it doesn’t mean that you aren’t going to love where you are going, you aren’t going to love the rewrite of your life, you aren’t going to love where you are emerging from… allow yourself to fully close that chapter.” Juanita Ingram (9:11)
“Change your lens to one of seeing opportunity as opposed to seeing what you have so-called given up.” – Juanita Ingram (11:44)
“You never stop being what you are, you just lend your talents to other things.” – Juanita Ingram (12:27)
“Look at it as an opportunity and not as a burden, because it is that, it is a wonderful opportunity for your family, for yourself… remember that it’s an opportunity for everyone.” – Juanita Ingram (27:38)
“There are so many beautiful things to discover, just take the limits off and get the support that you need and not be shy about it.” – Juanita Ingram (31:21)
“Have a conversation about what does a successful international assignment look like. What are your expectations and what are your roles going to be? Not forever in your marriage, but in this assignment – because they may change once you come out of this assignment.” -Juanita Ingram (34:22)
“What does a successful family unit look like for you and your family? Define it for yourself. You do not have to do what everybody else is doing.” – Juanita Ingram (35:20)
Reach out to Juanita at:
Website: https://www.iamjuanitaingram.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iamjuanitaingram/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamjuanitaingram/?hl=en
Stream The Expats International Ingrams:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/The-Expats-International-Ingrams/dp/B08NPFRKD9
Reach out to Lauren at:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laurenherring/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LaurenHerringCareerExpert
Twitter: https://twitter.com/laurenherring
IMPACT Group Website: www.impactgrouphr.com
IMPACT Group LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/impact-group/
Get the book, Take Control of Your Job Search here:
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