Take Control of Your Relocation with BGRS MoveXpert & IMPACT Group

Re-establishing your home and career in the new city can be overwhelming. We’re here to help.

Together, we’ll make the new city feel like home.

It’s a big move, but you don’t have to do it on your own. Your company partners with IMPACT Group to provide Integration Assistance and Spouse/Partner Job Search Assistance as part of your relocation benefit. Partner with a coach now.

Adjust to your new life in your new location.
Areas of in-depth coaching might include:

  • Developing a transition plan.
  • Processing and working through changes.
  • Establishing and accomplishing your goals.
  • Finding research to create new routines and hobbies.

Move your career forward quickly.
Your career coach will partner with you on:

  • Developing a job search strategy.
  • Creating a stand-out résumé/CV & LinkedIn profile.
  • Building a new network in your new market.
  • Targeting specific companies & positions.
  • Mastering interviewing skills.
  • Negotiating the best offer.

Integration Support for Singles & Families

Partner with a coach to receive tailored guidance and resource on quickly feeling connected, productive, and engage in your new home and new role. Your coach will help you uncover and prioritize your needs.

Career Support for Spouses/Partners

Let a coach guide you through the process of job searching in a new city. From optimizing your resume to negotiating a strong offer, our career coaches are experts at helping you find the best opportunity. Discover all the ways you can partner with a coach today.

My coach really helped me understand what I wanted out of my career and gave me the confidence to go after it.




Kyle Binns
Relocating Spouse

I received more calls after I posted the new résumé IMPACT Group created. The number of views my résumé received online increased dramatically.


Pavithra Ramanarayanan
Relocating Spouse

My coach guided me on when to start applying for positions and how long the hiring process would take. She also coached me on how to tell potential employers about my work permit.

Jennie Gage
Relocating Spouse


IMPACT Group participants recommend their program to others.


The myIMPACT platform incorporates best-in-class apps for job search and relocation. The experience is persona-driven and hyper-relevant because it’s based on your unique situation and goals.

Leverage our resume tools and resource to create a stand-out document. You can also use a LinkedIn profile optimizer and virtual interview practice tool to put your best foot forward in your job search.

Explore your coaching options to build a custom program for your needs.

IMPACT Group is a coaching company focused on guiding you and your household through a successful transition. We achieve this by addressing the personal and professional aspects of your move, ensuring your needs are met before, during, and after your relocation.

Our programs have been specially discounted for your company to help you maximize your relocation budget. Simply click here to build your program.