Expert Guidance to Assist with
Redeployment of Employees

Connect employees with new positions within your organization during department restructurings. Our Redeployment of Employees program empowers you to retain your valued talent.

Redeployment of Employees Support

Connect Employees with Internal Opportunities



Restructuring a department doesn’t have to mean losing all of your valuable employees. While certain positions are eliminated, new opportunities abound within different sections of your business. Our Redeployment of Employees program effectively prepares employees to identify new positions within your organization so you can retain your talent during times of transition.


Years / Average
Coach Experience


Satisfaction Rating


Annual Coaching Hours



Redeployment of Employees Overview

Tailored Coaching for an Internal Job Search

An internal job search takes careful preparation. By pairing separated employees with an expert career coach, they will assess their transferable skills for redeployment, identify open positions within different areas of your organization, create dynamic résumés that speak to their accomplishments and prepare for internal job interviews.

Together, we will champion your employees to find opportunities within your organization through our Redeployment of Employees program.

With over 200 career coaches throughout the US and around the world, IMPACT Group matches your exiting employees with their coach based on their unique needs, geographic location and the coach’s area of specialization. Through local expertise and real-time assistance, coaches help employees build career resiliency, fine-tune their career strategy and move forward with
a transition plan.

Workforce Reduction Plan


Employee changes on the horizon?
We’ll guide you through each stage of a layoff.


Support Career Transitions within Your Company

Offering redeployment of employees who are affected by a division restructuring will:

  • Retain valuable talent. Employees will receive the support they need to secure a new opportunity at your company – meaning you keep their valuable experience and expertise within your walls.
  • Avoid cost of onboarding external talent. Transferring your employees to a new internal position eliminates the cost and hassle of sourcing external talent.

How It Works

  • One-on-one coaching to prepare for internal job search
  • Assessment of transferable skills and career objectives
  • Résumé/CV development
  • Interview simulations and preparation
  • Access to proprietary career portal with interactive tools on all aspects of job search


The myIMPACT platform incorporates best-in-class apps for job search and outplacement support. The experience is persona-driven and hyper-relevant because it’s based on your employee’s goals.

Resources for Your Talent Needs

RIF Guide eBook, IMPACT Group
The SMART & Compassionate Guide to Reducing Your Staff


Workforce Reduction

Reduce Risk with an Expert Checklist for Layoffs

Employee Layoffs Guide, IMPACT Group
How to Manage Employee Layoffs
3 Strategies for Communicating Layoffs to Employees during Reduction in Force
What are Outplacement Services?
4 Signs of Layoff Survivor Syndrome

Your global partner for talent on the move.

Book a call with us today.