Need Difficult Conversations Training for Managers?

Our Difficult Conversations Training Toolkit is a guide to ensure your frontline leaders succeed at managing performance and engaging their teams. When managers hold everyone accountable in a fair manner, culture thrives.

Difficult Conversations Training


Employees who actively avoid difficult conversations at work with their direct reports, boss, or colleagues.*


Do your managers struggle to lead difficult conversations?

If your company’s like most, more than half of your managers handle “toxic” situations simply by ignoring them, according to Forbes. Workplace health suffers as a result. In fact, all the unresolved tension can decimate retention, productivity, and work satisfaction.

Use this HR Toolkit to lead a Difficult Conversations Training for frontline leaders.

This difficult conversations training guide will empower managers to succeed at having critical conversations with confidence. The toolkit is designed to spark engaging discussions on how to use powerful conversations to resolve conflicts, manage employee performance, and ensure team engagement. It’s filled with discussion questions to help you lead an engaging conversation among your frontline leaders. They will explore this vital leadership topic and learn from each other’s experiences.

Lead an empowering training at your next staff meeting or plan a one-hour learning event to trigger new thinking! This guide leads the way. Get your copy now!


Need a scalable way to develop frontline leaders?

Leading companies leverage online learning as a cost-effective way to equip leaders with essential skills – such as having difficult conversations, holding people accountable, and managing change. However, 63% of talent leaders we surveyed say that keeping learners engaged in online content is a problem. (See our full survey here.)

The solution? We developed Link Learn Coach™ to work in tandem with LinkedIn Learning®. When you bundle online learning with live coaching, you can achieve even better results than online learning alone.

Frontline Leadership Training, Difficult Conversations Training

A Scalable & Affordable Coaching Solution


Years / Average
Coach Experience




Annual Coaching



About IMPACT Group

For 35+ years, IMPACT Group has helped individuals and teams improve business outcomes by developing leadership skills they can readily put into practice. We understand leaders bring people together so they can perform at their highest level toward common goals. We develop strengths – including emotional intelligence – so leaders can develop self-awareness, self-control, motivation, empathy, and social skills.

Our Leadership Development programs incorporate brain-based learning principles and are inspired by research. We offer tailored solutions for your specific needs – including your aspirations for implementing difficult conversations training, strengthening culture, developing and retaining top talent, enhancing leadership, and supporting business outcomes. Contact us to learn more!


Our Services


Through group programs and individualized coaching engagements, we develop leaders at all levels. We prepare your talent to take on larger roles and new challenges.


We’re experts in relocation coaching and integration assistance. We were first to offer job search services for spouses, partners, and others who accompany your talent on the move.


We help you conduct flawless, compassionate reductions in force that benefit your company, remaining employees, as well as exiting employees.