Scary Move for Single Mom: Masuma’s Story

“As a single mom of two toddlers, it was very scary to leave behind my family, friends, and all my resources to relocate,” comments Masuma Naqwe, who moved from North Carolina to Massachusetts to further her career with one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies. “I didn’t know anyone or the area.”

Management of the personal side of relocation is often delegated to the spouse or partner while the employee plunges into the new job at the new office. Embarking on the relocation solo meant Masuma was responsible for every piece. Right from the beginning, her transition coach, Courtney Dolder, stepped in to relieve the load. 

“Courtney played a crucial role in finding the things my family needed to make the move successful,” Masuma shares. Unforeseen housing laws and low school ratings significantly decreased Masuma’s options for temporary housing in the Cambridge area. Her son’s half-day school schedule meant she had to hire a nanny fast since she needed childcare into the evening hours. And adjusting to a sharp cost of living increase made for overwhelming situations. 

Courtney and the research team quickly located after-school care options that were significantly cheaper than nanny services. When Masuma received the resources, she exclaimed, “This is the best thing anyone has ever done for me! I will forever send you positive vibes for getting that together for me.” 

A listening ear was what Masuma needed most when she was in the thick of the move. Having someone offer solutions and options when she felt there weren’t any went a long way in helping Masuma forge ahead in her new life. “Courtney listened to me, she heard what I needed, and she understood what I was going through,” comments Masuma. “She was successful in finding resources for me that tremendously reduced my stress and even cut my expenses.” Courtney and Masuma spent a lot of time discussing different ways to save money and still provide her children with the experiences and things she desired. Possibilities began to open up for the young family.

“I truly believe that without Courtney, I would have been significantly more stressed during the relocation and half of my needs would still remain unmet due to my lack of time and knowledge of available resources.”

Masuma loves her position as a Senior Medical Writer, where she writes Clinical Study Reports for investigational studies conducted in humans. Her children are thriving in their school programs, and the whole family is exploring volunteer opportunities to meet others. 

For other relocating single moms, Masuma shares this advice: 

“Reach out to a coach. Let them help you relieve your load.
 Be brave, take time for yourself, and forge on!”

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