3 Reasons Employees Who Decline Group Moves Deserve Career Assistance

With group moves, there’s the potential that some employees won’t want to relocate and need career assistance. This may be especially true in a post-Brexit market. You want your great talent to stay with your organisation, and are likely offering relocation benefits to ensure that happens. However, the relocation likely won’t be right for everyone.

Finding a new job is hardly ever easy – no matter the profession – meaning all employees who decline the group move deserve assistance. Here are 3 reasons why employee at all levels will benefit from one-on-one coaching.

1. Even tradesmen and tradeswomen need an online job search strategy.

Applications that were once completed in person are often found online. A wide range of professions are required to submit a résumé – not just degreed professionals in traditional office settings. Some companies may think line workers, production employees, and skilled professionals won’t benefit from a career coach. It’s time to think otherwise.

“Often times, it’s production employee populations who benefit the most from expert guidance,” shares Bridget Kadolph, VP of People Solutions at IMPACT Group. “It’s essential for all employees to utilize online application systems and develop a polished résumé.” For some, it might be their first time creating a résumé. For others, it might be the first time they have searched for a job in 20+ years. After job loss, they need support to land faster.

2. Your company’s brand image is affected by all your current and former employees – not just the select few at the top of your org chart.

“The way you handle a group move and reorganisation is something they comment on to friends and family,” shares Lucy Foster, Global Account Manager at IMPACT Group. This also includes Glassdoor, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

When a company has to relocate their operations and reduce their staff, helping separated employees move on says a lot about you as an employer. And it’s not just exiting employees who notice. Your remaining staff will take comfort knowing their colleagues and friends will get back on their feet faster. Your stakeholders and clients will see that you truly care about doing the right thing.

3. Younger employees can’t know it all.

On one hand, you might assume younger employees are tech-savvy enough to figure out their job search on their own. As Lucy points out, “The world of work is always changing. It’s impossible to stay up-to-date on all tricks, tips, tools, and techniques that need to be integrated for a successful job search.”

Technology is one small piece of a job search. Data shows that other things, such as networking and personal branding, play a more important part in securing an opportunity. Matching junior employees with a dedicated coach sets the stage for a dynamic, holistic approach that will help them land in half the time.

Don’t leave employees to fend for themselves during a difficult time in their career. Bring career assistance out of the upper tiers and into every department of your organisation. Your company’s brand, exiting employees, and remaining staff will all benefit from this one decision.

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