5 Common HR Problems SOLVED with Leadership Development

HR Problem 1: Communication Conundrums

You have a group of highly skilled, diverse, and capable talent on your team. All is good, right? When it comes to communication styles, there are various ways that your A-team can quickly fail. Remote workers, personality styles, age, and other factors all affect the way your team works together. Poor communication lies at the root of many team problems. It can lead to mistakes, quality problems, conflict, missed deadlines, and lost opportunities.

HR Solution: Assessments

Assessments of personality traits, social perceptions, motivation, and occupational interests – such as the Birkman Method® – are great tools that allow your team to understand how each individual works best. Birkman Method measures the “will” (motivation) and the “how” (behavior) of accomplishing tasks and relating to / working with others. Birkman empowers teams to better understand themselves, each other, and their leader. Clarity leads to better communication, achieving an interpersonally productive team.

HR Problem 2: Corporate Changes = Chilly Morale

Given the current climate of business disruption caused by the pandemic, layoff announcements are steadily increasing. Reorganizations may also be involved during corporate downsizing, and these changes are difficult for many team members. However, if approached and communicated properly by leaders, the transition can go smoother than expected. When staff reduction is part of a strategy to re-evaluate assets and expenses, this critical juncture in the organization’s lifespan may signify a level of business maturity focused on profit, results, and shareholder value. These values and reasoning need to be explained to your remaining employees to keep them engaged in their futures with the organization.

HR Solution: Change Management

In today’s business world, managers need to conduct the notification process effectively and prevent their office from becoming a workplace filled with gossip, low morale, and unproductive employees. Expert consulting during these difficult times allows you to focus on end goals: smooth transitions for the affected employees  and continued productivity among the survivor population. Our SMART & Compassionate Guide to Reducing Your Staff will help.

HR Problem 3: Leadership-lacking Managers

Not all leaders are created equal. Many organizations suffer from a recognition problem – they can’t seem to recognize good leaders from bad ones. Or know how to take someone who has great potential and tee them up for future responsibilities. Some leaders just simply lack skills necessary to make them truly great.

HR Solution: Executive Coaching

Pair managers with a seasoned career coach to ensure they have the tools to lead. Sometimes, leaders happen overnight and they are not prepared to properly manage a team. They require skills training on developing and motivating others. With the proper coaching support, your new leader not only has the support they need to shine, but also will be able to motivate and empower a team of future leaders.

HR Problem 4: Devoid of Diverse Leaders

Currently, there were only 21 female elected presidents and prime ministers in power around the globe. In the business world, women presently hold only 6% of Fortune 500 CEO positions. As women continue their upward trajectory in the business world, they have yet to be fully appreciated for the unique qualities and abilities they bring to the workplace.

Women bring different experiences, perspectives and competencies to leadership roles. Yet, statistics show despite comprising more than 50% of management positions, less than 19% of women have broken the glass ceiling to be seated among senior leadership. (And, many organizations report increased difficulty in engaging and retaining female talent, according to Catalyst.)

HR Solution: Leadership Development for Women

Organizations are increasing their diversity talent pipeline through targeted talent development programs – achieving higher levels of engagement, productivity, and retention among women in management roles. Providing targeted development programs for women enables companies to develop key talent while enhancing diversity in the succession pipeline.

HR Problem 5: Succession Slumps

“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is going to be the next VP of us all?” Is this how your organization decides who your next leader, manager, or C-level executive will be?

HR Solution: Succession Planning

One aspect of leadership that’s often overlooked is succession planning — the process of providing for future leadership in an organization. Few of us bother to think about what will happen after we’ve exited the scene, and frankly, many leaders don’t care. But succession planning is crucial to any organization’s long-term success. Watch this video case study sharing what happened when one of our clients dug into the numbers.

Identifying leaders early and providing proper skills and competency development now will ensure high-potential leaders for the future. Investing early not only gives you a talent pool to choose from, but also shows your love and commitment to your soon to be leaders.

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