
How a Reduction in Force (RIF) Effects Your Employer Brand

A reduction in force – and the benefits you offer separated employees – have a major effect on your employer brand. In our online world, company practices and corporate culture are on display for all…


Save Your Brand after a RIF!

Your brand reputation is critical these days. As Dan Coffey, Outplacement Practice Leader at IMPACT Group, puts it, “Building an employment brand has become highly important in today’s economy. When an employee is deciding if…


Severance Packages: Best Practices for Employee Exits

A severance package is the combined pay, services and benefits employers sometimes offer employees upon termination. HR leaders look at multiple factors when severing ties with employees and offering severance packages. It’s important to know…


How to Lay Off Employees: 8 New Rules of Compassion

In today’s economy, HR leaders must know how to lay off employees with compassion and professionalism. Layoff talk has been in the news for years now. From January through April of 2023, job cuts increased…


“I’m Paying It Forward”: Mariano’s Story

“My experience was very positive from the moment I first connected with Regina, my career coach,” says Mariano Garcia. “She immediately helped me with the emotional piece of my job loss. I had a fear…


Drive Down Employee Attrition Costs!

Voluntary turnover is steadily rising. In 2017, it reached 13.5% (up from 9.1% just five years prior).1 Collectively, turnover amounts to $160 billion per year for US corporations.2 This constitutes a significant financial loss for…


Empower Employees with a More Powerful Launch During Downsizing

Downsizing is a hard reality for businesses and employees. Outplacement services can transform these difficult times. One-to-one career coaching is the best way to provide tailored job search support. But it might not be the…


Driving Optimal Business & Workforce Outcomes during M&As

How to build thriving teams and achieve powerful business results during times of change No matter the industry or deal size, mergers & acquisitions are a serious challenge for any organization. Global M&A activity hit…


Corporate Downsizing: The 5 W’s to Ease the Meeting

“You want me to do what?” This might be the first thought in the manager’s head when you ask him to terminate a team member as part of a corporate downsizing. These events can be…