Relocation is an Open Book: Morgan’s Story

Relocations are full of adjustments, but one adjustment caught Morgan Talbot off guard: winter. “We left 90 degree weather in California to experience the worst New York winter in over a century. That was difficult!” The comfort of family – who lived 10 minutes away in California – was no longer there as they trudged through the cold winter months. “I had so many questions in the beginning. How many different coats do we need? How long can the baby be outside before he gets frostbite?” Morgan says with a laugh.

“I had worked in corporate marketing for 10 years when we had our first baby.” This major life change had Morgan at a crossroad when she met Bud Clarkson, Career Coach at IMPACT Group. “My whole life was flipped upside down, I was indecisive about what to do next, and then we relocated in the middle of it,” she comments. “Our baby was just six weeks old when we moved. I went through a lot of changes at that time.”

A patient ear came to the rescue. “I had multiple brainstorming sessions with Bud where he heard me out and offered advice while I talked through all the possibilities. That was extremely helpful.” After considering a variety of options, Morgan decided to establish a consulting business. Bud helped her revamp her website, create a professional bio, and develop a new résumé. “I felt polished after having these things updated. It gave me a new level of confidence. That was priceless.” With the right resources in place, she was equipped to take her career down a new path.

Morgan’s enhanced confidence was met with increased interest from companies. “I got interviews right away after submitting my new résumé,” says Morgan. “Bud’s assistance has had a big impact on my current and continued success. Measurable success came out of the services I received from IMPACT Group.” In the midst of major life changes, that success was a welcome relief as she and her family built a new life in New York.

“Relocations cause an overwhelming shift in all areas of your life. It’s a great opportunity for one member of the family, but that doesn’t mean it’s an equal opportunity for the other,” comments Morgan. “It has a significant effect on the spouse.” She believes the assistance she received made her family’s transition seamless. “This assistance is huge for spouses. It makes the relocation easier, which means things are better at home. Then the employee is happier and productive at work, which means there is a greater chance the employee will stay,” she says. “All of this is a great benefit to the family and the company.”

For others embarking on a relocation, Morgan offers this advice:

“Don’t stop! It’s overwhelming, but don’t give up! Keep your mind and heart open. Don’t rush into anything if you don’t have to. And tap into as many resources as you can, including all that IMPACT Group has to offer. Relocation is a stressful chapter, but it can also be a new and exciting beginning. It’s an open book if you choose to look at it that way.”

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