Executive Outplacement Can Mean Win-Win

When executives leave, increase the likelihood that they’ll continue to support and endorse your brand by offering executive outplacement coaching.

Executive Outplacement with Expert, Successful Coaching

Champion Executives through Career Changes



Executive Outplacement is highly tailored to the unique challenges senior leaders face when moving their careers forward after a layoff.

IMPACT Group’s program is a personalized and transformational coaching process that focuses on each individual’s complex needs to deliver positive results.

During the program, your former executives will be positioned to quickly transition to their next meaningful career. We match your executives with the right coach.  Success stems from this powerful relationship as the executive comes to rely on the expertise and abilities of the coach.


Years / Average
Coach Experience


Satisfaction Rating


Annual Coaching Hours



Executive Outplacement Overview

Trusted Guidance to Meet Critical Executive Needs

By partnering with an Executive Outplacement Coach, senior leaders will receive customized support for every element of an executive job search. This includes developing a personal brand, connecting to executive retained search and private equity firms, accelerating networking opportunities and exploring alternative career options.

In addition to partnering with an Executive Outplacement Coach, executive outplacement coaching provides executives leaving your organization will have access to our innovative career center and job search portal. The portal is an interactive, industry-leading career tool that includes:


  1. LinkedIn Profile Optimizer
  2. Innovative Tools to Connect with Decision Makers
  3. Contract, Benefit and Equity Negotiation Guidance
  4. Virtual Interview Tools
Executive Outplacement


Layoffs are stressful.
Let us lend a hand to help you stay organized.


Executive Outplacement Coaching for What’s Next

By supporting executives throughout their job search campaign, you will:

  • Reduce unemployment time and taxes. Executive Outplacement Coaches will guide senior leaders to secure their next position in half the time of the national average.
  • Maintain your reputation.Proper communication will help you reduce negative hits to your company’s reputation.
  • Increase positivity. Your senior leaders will leave with a more positive, supported outlook of your company and the resources to move their career forward quickly.

How It Works

  • One-on-one executive outplacement coaching with Executive Career Coach
  • Needs assessment to tailor coaching to executive’s career goal
  • Exploration of career paths in business acquisition, start-ups, Board memberships, consulting and philanthropy work
  • Public image and social media strategy
  • Strategic connections to executive search firms, private equity firms and target companies
  • Access to Big Data technologies to identify target companies and executive opportunities
  • Résumé, CV and cover letter development
  • Career guidance for 90 days after the executive accepts a new position


The myIMPACT platform incorporates best-in-class apps for job search and outplacement support. The experience is persona-driven and hyper-relevant because it’s based on your employee’s goals.

Resources for Your Talent Needs

RIF Guide eBook, IMPACT Group
The SMART & Compassionate Guide to Reducing Your Staff


Workforce Reduction

Reduce Risk with an Expert Checklist for Layoffs

Employee Layoffs Guide, IMPACT Group
How to Manage Employee Layoffs
3 Strategies for Communicating Layoffs to Employees during Reduction in Force
What are Outplacement Services?
4 Signs of Layoff Survivor Syndrome

Your global partner for talent on the move.

Book a call with us today.